
Invest in Reliability: Fleet Service, Repair & Maintenance in Langley

Seeking ways to ensure your fleet runs smoothly this summer? Getting re-organized for the fall? Invest in reliability with Hudson Automotive’s Fleet Service, Repair & Maintenance in Langley! Fleet Service, Repair & Maintenance in Langley Explained As mentioned on our Fleet Service Page: Hudson Automotive GRiP Auto-Diesel & Tire, Fleet

Treat Your Vehicle to a ‘Spring Clean’ this March

Spring cleaning shouldn’t just be reserved for your home. Your vehicle also deserves a spring clean this March – and Hudson Automotive can help! Our Auto Services in Langley Include… Complete Computer Diagnostics & Safety Analysis Diagnosing Drivability Problems Tune-Ups & Oil Changes Steering, Suspension and Alignments Brake Repair Specialists

Diesel Engine Truck Repairs – What You Need to Know

Curious how diesel engine repairs differ from gas engines? Whether you’re considering buying a diesel engine truck, or you simply have never taken the time to educate yourself on the differences – Hudson Auto is here to help you better understand ‘Diesel Engine Truck Repairs – What You Need to

Top 3 Auto Maintenance Tips for a Fuel-Efficient New Year

Even though modern vehicles are known for their fuel efficiency, there are ways you can increase your cars economy and emissions in 2021. These ‘Top 3 Auto Maintenance Tips for a Fuel-Efficient New Year’ will help you do so! Change Your Oil & Filter Not only are regular oil changes

Hudson Auto Winter Maintenance Musts

When winter rolls around in the Lower Mainland it can be a harsh reality for our usual temperate reality here on the west coast. And the same can be said for what your vehicle goes through during the winter months, trying to operate under variable weather conditions season after season.