Langley Spring Wheel Alignment Discount

wheel alignment discount langley

Why Get a Wheel Alignment in the Spring in Langley?

This past winter has been tough on the roads in Langley and the wheels of cars and trucks. After winter, one of the most important things to consider having checked is your car’s wheels. Temperature changes can be quite dramatic and may cause pressure shifts in your tires. Without proper maintenance, this may result in poor handling, premature wear, and even misalignment. At the same time, winter turns roads into obstacle courses made of heaved pavements and potholes. The snow may camouflage bumps and ruts, which, if continually hit, may lead to your wheels getting misaligned.

You are, therefore, advised to get your car’s wheel-alignment checked for improved handling and to ensure that your tires wear evenly. And what better time to do this than during spring!

What is a Wheel Alignment?

Wheel-alignment is a vehicle maintenance process that involves the adjusting of a car’s wheels’ angles so that they stay perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. It is important to note that the adjustment is made on a vehicle’s suspension and not the wheels or tires themselves. When done right, wheel alignments allow for safer driving and will extend your tires’ life. While tire specialists recommend that you have one done after every 8,000 to 10,000 KLM, there is no harm in doing it after every winter. You never know the impact the adverse weather and conditions created may have had on your vehicle.

When it comes to getting an alignment in the spring, make sure that the auto shop you visit is a professional one. Apart from possessing the required skills and equipment, find out if they are certified by your specific car brand manufacturer to perform wheel alignment on their car models since wheel alignment is performed differently on different vehicle brands.

It is advisable to work with a certified mechanic as he can quickly check for wear patterns that may suggest alignment issues and is also able to perform more in-depth diagnostic tests that’ll ensure that your vehicle and the wheel alignment performed meet all performance and safety specifications. For more information, contact Hudson Automotive today.

Keeping You safe

Russ Hudson

19703 60TH AVE,
V3A 3Z6
Phone: 604-533-6698

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