What’s the Condition of Your Air Conditioner?
Summer weather is fast approaching and soon you will be switching on the air conditioning. Make sure that your A/C system is ready to go when you need it most. There is nothing worse than a hot car and no A/C to cool it down.
When is the last time you had your air conditioner tested? If it’s been more than a year, your air conditioning system may not be performing at its peak or, even worse, it may not be functioning at all. Don’t risk it! Let us examine your air conditioner before you find yourself stuck in a hot car in a traffic jam.
Preventative maintenance is as important for your car’s air conditioner as it is for your home’s air conditioner. They both require regular service to avoid problems and consistently work properly. Your home’s air conditioner filter needs to be replaced every three months. Your car’s air conditioner needs to be tested on an annual basis to detect and repair damaged components before they become costly problems.
If you have any mold or mildew in your car, or experience a musty smell when you turn on the A/C system, it could be caused by fungus and bacteria that commonly grow on the evaporator (cooling) case on the A/C system. It can be a relatively quick fix by servicing the A/C system and using professional chemicals to eliminate the odors.
Bring your vehicle into Hudson Auto Care and let us test your A/C system!
Keeping You safe
Hudson Automotive
19703 60TH AVE,
V3A 3Z6
Phone: 604-533-6698

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