December Charity: BC Children’s Hospital

Hudson Auto Care donations

BC Children’s Hospital provides expert care for the province’s most seriously ill or injured children, including newborns and adolescents. Based in Vancouver, BC Children’s and Sunny Hill reach across the province with vital health services that may not be available anywhere else in B.C. We provide specialized training in pediatric health care and work with renowned researchers to achieve better health for children and youth. As an academic health centre, BC Children’s is affiliated with the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Child & Family Research Institute, and other education and research institutions.

Hudson Auto Care is donating the funds normally spent on paper Holiday Cards and postage to BC Children’s Hospital.

In addition, Hudson Auto Care will donate $5.00 to BC Children’s Hospital for every online appointment scheduled this month. Book your Online Appointment Here.

When booking an appointment online, please select the charity you want to donate to from the Charity Drop-Down Box.

Thank you for helping Hudson Auto Care support BC Children’s Hospital.

Keeping You safe

Russ Hudson

19703 60TH AVE,
V3A 3Z6
Phone: 604-533-6698

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