We eagerly anticipate that it will eventually feel more like summer here in the Lower Mainland. Along with that – many will likely be seeking air conditioner service in Langley.
Hudson Auto can help with that, providing our community with maintenance, repairs and a general air conditioner test to see the condition of your vehicle’s interior cooling system.
Air Conditioner Service in Langley

At our local auto care centre, we have been helping our customers with their Air Conditioning Service for decades. Before computerized programming took over and vehicles required more troubleshooting, Hudson Auto was here helping to manage those needs with a mechanical skillset often lost – as far as a necessity – on modern automobiles.
Regardless, ‘fixing things’ is where we excel – and your vehicle’s air conditioning unit is no different.
If you haven’t had your vehicles air conditioning unit tested since last summer – allow us to examine it before the heat wave of summer hits. Keeping you cool during your daily commute, or any road trips ahead that you may have planned.
Preventative Maintenance Matters
As mentioned on our Hudson Auto Air Conditioning Service page…
Preventative maintenance is as important for your car’s air conditioner as it is for your home’s air conditioner. They both require regular service to avoid problems and consistently work properly. Your home’s air conditioner filter needs to be replaced every three months. Your car’s air conditioner needs to be tested on an annual basis to detect and repair damaged components before they become costly problems.
If you have any mold or mildew in your car, or experience a musty smell when you turn on the A/C system, it could be caused by fungus and bacteria that commonly grow on the evaporator (cooling) case on the A/C system. It can be a relatively quick fix by servicing the A/C system and using professional chemicals to eliminate the odors.
Hudson Auto
From preventative maintenance to overall comfort, as well as mitigating the cost of replacement repairs vs. general upkeep – our team of mechanics is here to help.
Bring your vehicle into Hudson Auto Care at 19703 60th Ave in Langley, or call 604-533-6698 to arrange an appointment, and let us test your A/C system ahead of the summer heat!